Saturday, February 24, 2007


Sigh...Feeling kinda down-ish(If ever such word exists).....
Been doing a lot of thinking and thinking
for a long long time.....
I've changed,
both in a good way and bad....
My perspectives,views,visions,dreams,goals,motives,desires,passions....
Sometimes, I fail to acknowledge those that have turned to the 'dark side',
other times, I just fail to conquer the 'dark side'......
But there are times, I GIve Up.....
Letting the dark side cohabit in me.....
I cry and cry for help to God...
I know so much about.....
I know I'm wrong.....
I wanna change....
Just cant.....
Just fail......
When is it temptation?
When's just little old me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, I know times when words fail to describe how we feel inside.

Take comfort in God.

Pray in tongues. The Spirit knows you better than you know yourself. He will pray for you when you don't know how.