Tuesday, November 17, 2009

wHAt wOuLD YOu DO?

HAha, i know it's kinda obvious rite?
Just finished my papers today....
So i decided to catch a movie with my course mates...
We decided we wanted to watch the latest movie,
and so this was our choice...
I heard some reviews about it already from Gid,
and thought of it as just another movie to relax and enjoy the action and effects and see how Hollywood would imagine the end of the world...
I didnt expect much from the movie,
I went in expecting entertainment,
and left convicted and challenged....

This is one of the best movie's i watched this year....
It wasnt so much about the effects or the plot of the story,
nor is it the action and the excitement of the movie,
but it was the content of the movie,
the MESSAGE it brought to me personally as well as it was bringing to the world....

One of the two things that hit me the most during the show is the love of a Father... Countless time during the show, was how the father would do everything he can, even his life to save his child.... Now come to think of it, it was so weird that they didnt show much of the mother's response... Dont get me wrong, i know the depths of a mother's love for the family and her children, but somehow, the father's of the show are highlighted so much that it led me to questioning whether that would be what i would do for my child.... One of the Father's main role in the family is to PROTECT.... That was the role so clearly seen there... I kept asking myself, can i do that too?
I've never always dreamt I would be a father, but then recently, I had this desire to be one and it was pretty strong... And today, seeing how the those father gave their whole self into protecting their family especailly their kids, made me really ponder and challenge myself to reach that level.... Because I know that before I can ever think about starting a family at all, that is a level of love I have to reach, that is a standard i have to follow, it's like GOd the Father, his love was so great, he gave his ALL, his only begotten son to die for us and like him, that is the model i desire to follow...
Can i be that father? I cant answer that, but I can say, that I am on the journey of learning to be one...
The whole story I would sum up would be selfish love, or selfless love.... In the movie, everyone wanted to live, reality, who wants to die rite? I know selfish love sounds a bit ridiculous and impossible but i would define it as love that is shown only when you are comfortable... Such love involves loving oneself and those around that are easy.... Such love will never stand when there is trials or hardship, like the movie, love like that was shown when they found out the world was ending, there only loved or did things with love when convenient, and whenever their life was treathened, it was their own lives first before others.... Such isnt true love...
Like in 1 Corinthians 13, love is not selfish... It is selfless.... Regardless of the situation we face, love still exists and never dies if it is selfless... In the movie, everyone showed the selfish love at first but at the end, one man was convicted which led to a twist in the show where it ended with selflessness....
"The moment we stop fighting for one another, it is when we lose our humanity"...
There were a few times when i was so moved by the movie, i wanted to cry but i manage to hold back.... But after this was said, I teared... This was the CLIMAX of the story.... This was the MESSAGE of the movie... Whatever happens, Jesus set an example of true love by dying for us so that we may live...
In the bible it speaks about putting others before one self and that itself can sum up what love really is...
Like the title says, that was the question I asked myself.... What would I do if i were them? For now, I can say that most likely i would have just tried to save my own lives and the others I hold dear to me.... BUt GOd challenged me to dive deeper.... To redefine love in my life... And such love is just impossible, really impossible.....
BUt all things are possible in Christ rite???
Wow, it is a movie i encourage everyone to watch this movie...
It will really really teach you and challenge you....


koocheekoo said...

Told u there are many values to catch on.. Just that, not many people will realize that there are.. They go and watch, and come out wondering what is the real plot.. heh..

Christine Loh said...

Hmmm ... very deep indeed. I will see this movie this Friday.