Saturday, July 19, 2008


Whew, a tiring but very fruitful day....

Am feeling both relieved that is over but then some what disappointed also that it's over..... Just do wish it could last longer.....
We had an amazing time of sharing, worshiping, feet-washing, listening to God's Word and most importantly PRayEr,(It was a prayer gathering after all.... Anyway, I thank God for being with us.... His presence was real and present.... And He guided our days program......

Well, I had a great time being an usher, getting to know new people, working together with different people and running around......
To all my ushers, it was my priveledge to serve with you guys..... Seriously........ You guys were just great and awesome...... And also to all my leaders, thanks for leading and serving the rest of the ushers....... Thanks for helping me to coordinate and making my job easier and fun..... And to my advisors, thanks for all the guidance and help, i definite would not be able to do any of these without you guys directing.......

I enjoyed the day, but the things that i enjoyed the most are
¬The procession..... Man, the music was really good, and the flag barrers made the atmosphere all the more grand, exciting, majestic and simply lovely, made me wanna cry..... What a way to start the prayer gathering....
¬Seeing people from different places and different language coming as one to cry out to the Lord..... This is indeed one of my hearts cry and passion....... It warms my heart everytime when i see brothers and sisters coming together to pray, worship and connect with God......
¬Connecting with people and making them feel at home is another of my passions.... Today, as head of ushers, i got to do that the whole day..... It just beings me an unspeakable joy that supplies me strength to smile and love and serve them the whole day...... Working with the ushers of my church and different youth groups was also just simple amazing...... I pray our partnership will never end......

What ever happened today, i thank God and praise Him, it was indeed a great day, one that the Lord has made..... One that has made HISTORY in beloved Malaysia....... One that will leave a legacy in my life......

God BLess Malaysia.....

1 comment:

yourshoeah said...

And it has just begun.... :)

Great job as Head Usher! Always knew you were the right man for the job. :D

With love,