Since exams for the week have come to a halt,
till the following wednesday,
I decided to watch a movie over my dinner(Chocolate Milk and Sausage bread :P)...
Relax a lil...
I was deciding what i should watch,
looking through my movie library,
i came across "Gridiron Gang"...
I knew a little about the movie,
hesitated a bit since such movies were not so much entertainment,
but more of inspirational and have to do more thinking one...
But in the end,
I watched it,
and I was truly TRULY INSPIRED....
The movie is based on a true story of a juvenile detention camp probation officer Sean Porter,
potrayed by Dwayne Johnson - The Rock,
who is frustrated by the 75% recidivism rate of the teenage felons that he is responsible for at Camp Kilpatrick....
Being a former football star,
he came up with an idea to form a football team believing that it will teach the teenage inmates what it takes to be responsible, teammates and be winners for the first time...
Porter and probation officer, Malcolm Moore became their coaches and together helped this teengaers,
in the end, bringing a change in the recidivism rate as well as changes in the lives of all the footballers....
There were so many parts in the show i nearly cried...
Was so inspired that during the movie,
i took down notes as to not forget them, hehe...
Throughout the whole movie,
I learnt so much from the coach -Sean Porter...
This are the qualities i saw in him,
1. He took time to UNDERSTAND people.
2. He pushed them to be not what they wanted to be, but what they were MEANT to be.
3. He saw beyond the criminals and problematic kids they were and gave them another CHANCE.
4. He chose to BELIEVE in them even when they and the whole world lost hope in themselves.
5. He made MISTAKES as a leader, admitted it and learnt from it.
6. He was HUMBLE enough to humiliate himself, to build another up.
7. He gave each a ROLE, a position and a place to fit in.
8. He has a strong MENTOR in his life who he opened his life up to share, learn and grow.
9. He was interested in impacting LIVES more than anything else.
10. He did not only teach the ones he taught, but was TAUGHT by the ones he teached.
11. Though there were OBSTACLES and disagreements, he did not let anything or anyone stop him from what he believed in.
12. He looked not to their strength, abilities or gifts, but their HEARTS.
13. He was a man not breathing to survive, but breathing to make a DIFFERENCE.
This is Porter...
I believed why this inspired me so much,
is because i "connected" with all the qualities protrayed by Porter....
The above qualities can basically sum up everything I believe in...
My standards,
Passions and dreams...
All summed up by one man....
YOu wanna know what i am workin to become?
Other than Jesus,
watch the show,
and look at Porter....