Monday, March 22, 2010

fAitHfuL mEn... wHo cAn finD?

"Many a man claims to have unfailing love,
but a faithful man who can find?"
Provebs 20:6
That's the product of reading the product of reading proverbs...
was reading Proverbs one morning and stumbled upon this verse...
Honestly why it hit me is because,
i have been thinking about relationships lately....
Not any relationships,
THE relationship.....
Want to give credit to both my parents,
as well as my advisors from Yf back home....
They have indeed been people who have trained me up well....
I trully thank God for them...
They have taught me the importance of not plunging into the deep waters of Courtship,
but learn to first take baby steps into the shallow banks of Friendship first...
But when i read this verse,
I thought,
this is one of the biggest challenge to me,
and i speak to many guys as well....
Come on,
even the bible says it...
We man can talk very well....
Sweet talk, promise a lot...
But when comes to doing what we talk,
it's not too bad at first,
but when the roads are tough,
it's so easy to just give up...
Take the recent Jack Neo's affair case as an example....
I too fear that i would not be faithful to "her"...
For a faithful man who can find?
But as much as I've said,
God is also teaching me to have faith....
I cannot guarantee my faithfulness to "her"...
But I believe as GOd builds on my faith,
as i learn to just trust Him,
He will make me Faithful,
not only to her,
but i believe,
TO HIM....

Friday, March 12, 2010


"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but he who hates correction is stupid."
Proverbs 12:1(NIV)
Came across this verse today,
and it really spoke to me....
Hate disipline,
and be labled STUPID,
STUPID lei!!!!
I admit,
accepting criticism,
and discipline is a HUGE challenge to me...
In fact i speak not only for me but for my generation as a whole...
We have been a generation that have experienced many good things in life...
Let's just face it,
it's definitely much better than days before,
technology is the one that has brought all that to our doorstep,
take handphone for example,
it used to be a thing only businessmen has,
but now, each person around just cant live without one...
We have become a generation that is INFORMED...
information is at the tip of our fingers....
The convenience and instant comfort our generation obatains,
is I believe the very thing that makes our generation somewhat a bit spoiled and prideful...
From my opinion,
that is the very reason why our generation cant stand being CORRECTED...
We cant STAND people telling us what to do...
But is it all good,
let's look at scripture again,
"he who hates correction is STUPID..."
We all need to learn to accept discipline...
We just NEED to LEARN...
As much as we CANT STAND IT...
To me,
If our generation just CANT STAND IT,
and it is left as that,
our generation will be lost to the EVIL ONE...
He has won,
because of generation does not know submission,
only rebellion....
It is a scary thought for the future of our generation...
(Please note that i am talking to myself)...
To parents, teachers, pastors, advisors, mentors, leaders, elders, and older brothers and sisters...
On behalf of my generation,
I want to thank you for loving us by correcting us,
and i hope you wont stop there,
but i hope you guys would learn to correct like what the bible says,
in love and gentleness...
We promise we are working at it to listen to you guys...
And to my dear generation,
Am talking to you:P...
Let's learn together,
let's know that when any of these older guys come along,
no matter how fierce or scary,
let's understand it is because they love us,
and let's learn to ACCEPT CORRECTION...
And between friends and accountabilities,
let's also learn to correct one another in love,
for isnt that what friends are for?
Let's RISE UP to not be CALLED STUPID!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


This is by far the toughest subject I am taking for now....
Never expected it would be part of a MATHS course...
For those who dont know what this is,
let's just say it's learning a new language,
This week will be having 2 papers of this sub....
Was desperate,
so had to borrow this book:P...
Really feel like a dummy when learning this sub... Haha...

Monday, March 1, 2010


Ever heard people using this word as an escape answer??
"Hey, what you guys talking about?"
It's the 1st of March,
yet another month,
my last post was in Feb,
also on the 1st....
feel a bit 'guilty' sometimes as to the frequency of my blog updates...
Seeing people like Joel and Gideon update their blogs is simply amazing....
Salute them la...
I have nothing...
It's not that my life is a boring mess or something, hehe...
It's just nothing lor....

Bloggers should understand this when you just dont have anything to write,
putting down one's life into words requires more than just having something to write about,
call it lack of inspiration,
or lack of feel,
or whatever,
For now, that's just the state i am in now.....
God Bless the Bloggers!!!:)